So this is a meme where I match an LJ friend to a description that will not be revealed to you unless you promise to do the meme too (in which case, please leave a comment). xD
peilingg 2.
aidarahim 3. someone not on my friends list
mahrie_is and
whichwaylove 5.
chociholica 6.
draconis_tatsu and
hamkey 7.
nattaay 8.
guanyinmiao and
beingissy 9. Well, so many!
beingissy ,
chociholica ,
corsages ,
whichwaylove and really, really, really,
j_worshipper 10.
kiarill 11.
whichwaylove 12.
_yagenal 13.
trixity 14.
sp0ink 15. Nobody in
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